Thursday, May 24, 2018

In Media Res

Here's the thing with writing a blog every week.

Sometimes there's just not time.

This has been one of those weeks, so I'm working with six (6!!!!) minutes this week.

Here goes.

We're in the middle of things (exam preparation, the annual World Congress Symposium, end of spring sports, spring fever...everything) and my students just finished up some amazing presentations this morning.

Like, they were out-of-this-world impressive.

Yet, there's more work to be done.

They presented on problems that are present tense problems.

Their solutions, though? They must be in the future perfect tense.

By this, I mean that the problems are going to be solved. My students taught me that. They are centered in a positionality that is hopeful and pessimistic. And I say that because "positionality" takes into account the conditions that caused a position to be adopted...this includes time and space and my students are in media res (in the middle of things).

They are amazing and fantastic and so involved in a really exciting time to be a young person.

As they reminded me today, the problems they believe they will someday solve are not their fault, but they are their responsibility.

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