Thursday, November 7, 2019

Human Beings vs Human Doings

I was speaking to a student recently about time management. I laid out some strategies and recommendations about how he could prioritize those elements of his life that were both urgent and important. I was beginning to discuss the notion of "triage" when he cut me off,

"Mr. McDonough, wrestling season is starting soon. I'll have practice every day. I will be fine. I'll be so busy I won't have time to procrastinate."

I was shocked, but not surprised. Of course my student felt this because it's the way we have to be. When we are slogged with responsibility, weighted down by the burden of it all, we just we don't have a choice.

This week was that way for me. My wife was away at a conference and every night existed with a HUGE responsibility, but also sandwiched in between was so much joy. My responsibilities are rich with life and entrenched in the experience of being human.

Yet still, when someone close to me recently said, "Will, you aren't a human being right now, you are a human doing." I realized they were right. And through realizing this I can empathize in meaningful ways with my students.

I need to remember, as Thich Nhat Hanh writes, "I am here to be here."

Human being, not human doing.

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