Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Growth Mindset

Hi everyone.

In this time of relative isolation I've decided I want to retain a growth mindset...I want to be creative and I want to remind myself that little steps each day will lead to big results. One fun and simple way I've tried to do this is by doing a blind line drawing each day.

Here's what I do.

1) set up my iPad or iPhone camera in "selfie" mode
2) take out a writing implement and piece of paper
3) without looking away from the "selfie" (i.e. I never look at my drawing, itself), I draw a self portrait

Each time I do it, it ends up a little different...and that's okay. I'm learning things about moving slowly, about space and time, and also about trusting my inner voice. I also have been embracing my own imperfection and I've studied my own face (weird, but really interesting to do as I don't necessarily spend much time carefully looking at the shapes and lines that constitute my visage).

Anyway, I encourage you to give it a try! Maybe we can have a virtual art show one day.

-Mr. McDonough

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