Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Next Right Thing : pause and acknowledge

Dear students,

I wanted to share this resource with you. My wife, Nicole, and I created it when we wanted to process the negative/neutral/positive emotions we were experiencing as well as the ways we think/feel/do in response to those emotions.

What you can see in the above is that the left column shows negative emotions.

The middle column shows neutral emotions.

The right column shows positive emotions.

On the horizontal rows, we have thinking (top), feeling (middle), and doing (bottom row).

Our hope was that we could share a tool for folks to process their emotions and move forward. I am sharing it with you because there are so many ways to use this as a launching point for the #nextrightthing

Perhaps you could make a list of the things that calm you so you can revisit them when you need calm. Maybe you could write a poem about one of them, or leave a message for a friend reflecting on one. Really, this can be a tool for anything you want it to be.

Speaking of the next right thing, one of my calming strategies is Disney music. So here is the song, Next Right Thing, from Frozen 2.

May you find your next right thing for right now.


-Mr. McDonough

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